
Water Harvesting & Environment Conservation

We harvest water by capturing rain, runoff from rooftops, local catchments, seasonal floodwaters from local streams and conserve it in community dams (reservoirs), underground tanks, cemented and plastic tanks and stored for direct use for drinking and irrigation. We conserve the environment by training project participants, schools and community members about the dangers of desertification, deforestation, overgrazing and pollution that pose a severe threat to the existence of humankind. We establish schools and community tree nurseries, support community members with seedlings to plant more trees, and sensitize for afforestation, agroforestry and food forests

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Food Security

We handle food security through training participants, school students and community members by designing and demonstrating using limited space for farming such as sacks, used tyres, jerry cans, buckets and water bottles for vegetable production by simple irrigation, additionally we also encourage beneficiaries to plant fast maturing, drought, pest and disease resistant crops such as cassava, sweet potatoes, and maize integrated with vegetable varieties for people to have economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Animal Nutrition

Pasture establishment, management and utilization are important aspects of raising dairy cattle to provide them with a nutrient- rich diet. When improved dairy cows are kept on small- scale farms, planting improved pastures and fodder crops is essential, to obtain increased milk yields the animals should be provided with supplementary feeds to the grazing of natural pastures. Improved pastures when legumes are included, can produce large quantities of high quality feed at a low cost, farmers are trained to improve the ratio of their animals by:

  • Planting of improved pastures and fodder crops for supplementary feeding during dry season, cutting natural grass or improved pasture for making hay.
  • Inter – cropping legumes with maize and grass to improve the nutritional and the utilization of the fodder, utilization of selected crop residues such as maize and sorghum stovers.
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Value Addition & Capacity Building

Due to unemployment and population growth DFK started youth recruitment program to train them practical, hands on skills for self-reliance and wealth creation that include:-

Small scale crop- livestock farming innovations
Animal health, nutrition and milk value addition
Integrated management and soil fertilization
Marketing strategies to increase household income


Community Health & Schools

We work with rural communities and poor schools to establish and design food security gardens for vulnerable families among people with disabilities and orphaned school children to get a diversity of healthy food. Most of these families and schools have been affected by use of poor farming methods, prolonged dry spells due to climate change

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